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Milton Fisher Scholarship 2024 In USA-Fully Funded

The Milton Fisher Scholarship is only for students or residents of the United States of America which is worth 20000 USD for the academic year 2024. The Milton Fisher Scholarship is presented for those students who are very technical and have the natural scientific talent to solve a problem. This scholarship is for those students who created an innovation in the fields of science and technology. This scholarship is not based on excellent academic records. The basic goal of this scholarship is to strengthen the real problem solvers which helps for future innovations in science and technology.

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All the students with creative minds can apply for this scholarship:

  • 1. Student must be in a first-year undergraduate degree program or studying in high school 

    2. Applicant must be a United States resident 


  1. Total 5-8 awards of up to $20,000 each to Students having innovative minds.
  2.  The amount of any award, from $1,000 to $5,000 per year for 4 years, is determined by the scholar’s financial need.

How to Apply for the Milton Fisher Scholarship 

Please visit our application page for the online application of the scholarship.

Selection Criteria for the Milton Fisher Scholarship

A well-organized committee will deeply read the applications of applicants and decide based on real innovative ideas, their essays, and letters of recommendation. Academic records and extracurricular activities also play important role in selection. Most importantly financial need of students is not considered. Once a scholarship is granted the amount of the award will be determined according to the recipients’ needs.

The Selection Committee will decide the selection of the students and grant of scholarship. They may contact you on your phone number for interviews or other required material. If an applicant does not receive a call this does not mean he/she is unselected. In August applicants will be notified via email about their selection or rejection.

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Payment of Scholarships

The Renée B. Fisher Foundation and Community Foundation for Greater New Haven will process and distribute scholarship awards to undergraduate educational institutions.

Obligations/demands after scholarship granted

  1. Applicant should provide all the current transcripts. Recipients are required to supply The Community Foundation with current transcripts and notify
  2.  Applicants should be informed about any changes in email address, school address, enrollment, or other relevant information.
  3. Students must provide evidence for their academic excellence each year in their current institution.
  4. Must write a paragraph about all innovation-related activities in the current year.

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Deadline for Milton Fisher Scholarship 2024

Application deadline: May 15, 2024.


How can I increase my chances of being awarded the Milton Fisher scholarship?

Ensure the 2 people writing your letters of support discuss the specific project on which your application centers in their letters. The people writing your letters of support and providing your transcript can meet the May deadline for the scholarship. 

If my grades aren’t great can I apply?

 No. This scholarship is not tied to academic excellence. It is given for what you have accomplished in areas that may or may not correlate with getting good grades example technical knowledge and innovation skills.

I applied for this once before and was not selected/only got an honorable mention. May I apply again?

Yes. You still meet the eligibility requirements for the scholarship and your application is for a different project or creative work.

May I apply if I am not a United States citizen?

No, Only If you graduate from a high school in the United States, then you can apply for scholarship.

Can I apply if I’ve already graduated from an undergraduate program and earned a BA/BS degree?

No, the scholarship is intended for first-time college students.